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We are all told, “live your life to the fullest”; I am here to do just that. theHealthish serves as a vessel to project my passion for food, a healthy lifestyle, and clue in my loyal readers as to what inspires me in this crazy world. So, sit back, relax, and read on.

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For years, I have served as a helpful role to those seeking inspiration, help, or advice on health. I finally decided to own that role and be intentional about it. I started cooking my family’s southern dishes and making them healthy. It has been my passion to create dishes that not only look good but taste good too. I started theHealthish with a mission to give others a healthy taste to some of their favorite foods and creating a successful healthy lifestyle.

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"I cook it, eat it, so I know you’ll love it"

#GIRGIT - Get it right, Get it tight! Mind, Body, and Soul!

Corey Lewis

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Savoring Comfort: A Tortilla Creamy Soup

Who's ready to indulge in a warm bowl of tortilla creamy soup? This soup recipe is like taking a flavorful journey for your taste buds....

Chicken Soup with Lentils and Barley

Happy New Year!! It's been a minute! the Healthish is back and still cooking good recipes. I want you to embrace a nourishing start to...

Coca-Cola-Canned BBQ Chicken

Who doesn’t like the bagged chicken from their local grocery store? Well, the recipe below is a whole chicken recipe that anyone can...

Keto Curry Chicken Patties

This recipe was inspired by Lazarus Lynch - Son of a Southern Chef book: Son of a Southern Chef: Cook with Soul! From the beginning of my...

Creamy Cauliflower w/ Jalapeño & Bacon

You don’t need potato salad! Check out this side dish - Creamy Cauliflower w/ Jalapeño & Bacon! Good cold or hot! Remember, I cook it, I...

Seattle-Style Smoked Salmon Chowder

It's a new year! This year, like last year, I want to share recipes that are delicious and flavorful. This Seattle-Style Smoked Salmon...

Low-Carb Cinnamon Rolls

This blog is about enjoying food, but seeing if we can enjoy food that is little more healthy than how our moms and grannies made them. I...

Cauliflower Gnocchi

You love those tasty Trader Joe cauliflower gnocchi! Well, this is a three ingredient recipe that is easy and fun to make when you cannot...


Easy cauliflower rice recipe! INGREDIENTS: 1 ⅓ cups Cauliflower Rice (1 medium Cauliflower head) 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil 1...

Spicy Peanut Tofu Bowls

After a saucy month in December, I know it’s time to clean up our act! My partner Eric and I felt we see-sawed in weight due to the pork...

Easy Garlic Butter Roasted Mushrooms

Not a mushroom fan? Well, I bet you just haven’t found a way to prepare them. This D-TO-THE-LICIOUS recipe will be your go-to side dish...

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